# | Name | expansion | category | Quantity | Price | |
000 | Hallohallo (Rare) Hallohallo (Rare) Hallohallo (Rare) Hallohallo (Rare) Hallohallo (Rare) Hallohallo (Rare) | Circuit Break | Singles | 206 | $0.13 from $0.13 |
001 | Hallohallo (Ultr... Hallohallo (Ultra Rare) Hallohallo (Ultra Rare) Hallohallo (Ultra Rare) Hallohallo (Ultra Rare) Hallohallo (Ultra Rare) | Circuit Break | Singles | 160 | $0.19 from $0.19 |
001 | Stardust Chronic... Stardust Chronicle Spark Dragon (Super R... Stardust Chronicle Spark Dragon (Super R... Stardust Chronicle Spark Dragon (S... Stardust Chronicle Spark Dragon (Super Rare) Stardust Chronicle Spark Dragon (Super Rare) | Circuit Break | Singles | 39 | $1.04 from $1.04 |
001 | Defect Compiler ... Defect Compiler (Common) Defect Compiler (Common) Defect Compiler (Common) Defect Compiler (Common) Defect Compiler (Common) | Circuit Break | Singles | 571 | $0.13 from $0.13 |
002 | Capacitor Stalke... Capacitor Stalker (Common) Capacitor Stalker (Common) Capacitor Stalker (Common) Capacitor Stalker (Common) Capacitor Stalker (Common) | Circuit Break | Singles | 585 | $0.13 from $0.13 |
002 | The Winged Drago... The Winged Dragon of Ra - Sphere Mode (S... The Winged Dragon of Ra - Sphere Mode (S... The Winged Dragon of Ra - Sphere M... The Winged Dragon of Ra - Sphere Mode (Super R... The Winged Dragon of Ra - Sphere Mode (Super Rare) | Circuit Break | Singles | 122 | $0.89 from $0.89 |
003 | Lockout Gardna (... Lockout Gardna (Super Rare) Lockout Gardna (Super Rare) Lockout Gardna (Super Rare) Lockout Gardna (Super Rare) Lockout Gardna (Super Rare) | Circuit Break | Singles | 264 | $0.13 from $0.13 |
003 | Link Infra-Flier... Link Infra-Flier (Common) Link Infra-Flier (Common) Link Infra-Flier (Common) Link Infra-Flier (Common) Link Infra-Flier (Common) | Circuit Break | Singles | 412 | $0.13 from $0.13 |
004 | Parallel Port Ar... Parallel Port Armor (Super Rare) Parallel Port Armor (Super Rare) Parallel Port Armor (Super Rare) Parallel Port Armor (Super Rare) Parallel Port Armor (Super Rare) | Circuit Break | Singles | 532 | $0.15 from $0.15 |
004 | Trickstar Narkis... Trickstar Narkissus (Rare) Trickstar Narkissus (Rare) Trickstar Narkissus (Rare) Trickstar Narkissus (Rare) Trickstar Narkissus (Rare) | Circuit Break | Singles | 317 | $0.19 from $0.19 |
005 | Dark Angel (Comm... Dark Angel (Common) Dark Angel (Common) Dark Angel (Common) Dark Angel (Common) Dark Angel (Common) | Circuit Break | Singles | 597 | $0.13 from $0.13 |
006 | Gouki Headbatt (... Gouki Headbatt (Common) Gouki Headbatt (Common) Gouki Headbatt (Common) Gouki Headbatt (Common) Gouki Headbatt (Common) | Circuit Break | Singles | 435 | $0.13 from $0.13 |
007 | Gateway Dragon (... Gateway Dragon (Super Rare) Gateway Dragon (Super Rare) Gateway Dragon (Super Rare) Gateway Dragon (Super Rare) Gateway Dragon (Super Rare) | Circuit Break | Singles | 366 | $0.13 from $0.13 |
008 | Sniffer Dragon (... Sniffer Dragon (Common) Sniffer Dragon (Common) Sniffer Dragon (Common) Sniffer Dragon (Common) Sniffer Dragon (Common) | Circuit Break | Singles | 499 | $0.13 from $0.13 |
009 | Anesthrokket Dra... Anesthrokket Dragon (Common) Anesthrokket Dragon (Common) Anesthrokket Dragon (Common) Anesthrokket Dragon (Common) Anesthrokket Dragon (Common) | Circuit Break | Singles | 537 | $0.13 from $0.13 |
010 | Autorokket Drago... Autorokket Dragon (Super Rare) Autorokket Dragon (Super Rare) Autorokket Dragon (Super Rare) Autorokket Dragon (Super Rare) Autorokket Dragon (Super Rare) | Circuit Break | Singles | 391 | $0.18 from $0.18 |
011 | Magnarokket Drag... Magnarokket Dragon (Ultra Rare) Magnarokket Dragon (Ultra Rare) Magnarokket Dragon (Ultra Rare) Magnarokket Dragon (Ultra Rare) Magnarokket Dragon (Ultra Rare) | Circuit Break | Singles | 81 | $0.39 from $0.39 |
012 | Altergeist Mario... Altergeist Marionetter (Ultra Rare) Altergeist Marionetter (Ultra Rare) Altergeist Marionetter (Ultra Rare) Altergeist Marionetter (Ultra Rare) Altergeist Marionetter (Ultra Rare) | Circuit Break | Singles | 55 | $0.51 from $0.51 |
013 | Altergeist Silqu... Altergeist Silquitous (Super Rare) Altergeist Silquitous (Super Rare) Altergeist Silquitous (Super Rare) Altergeist Silquitous (Super Rare) Altergeist Silquitous (Super Rare) | Circuit Break | Singles | 389 | $0.13 from $0.13 |
014 | Altergeist Melus... Altergeist Meluseek (Ultra Rare) Altergeist Meluseek (Ultra Rare) Altergeist Meluseek (Ultra Rare) Altergeist Meluseek (Ultra Rare) Altergeist Meluseek (Ultra Rare) | Circuit Break | Singles | 84 | $0.69 from $0.69 |